Party With Lance (The first time I met Dave Chappelle) – Episode 16

Lots of news going on this week that has some relevance to a few experiences I’ve had in the past. I talk about my encounter with James Lipton as well as my time interning at Hardball with Chris Matthews and what that was like. I also talk about the first time I met Dave Chappelle and how I ended up in NYC.

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Coronavirus – what I’m doing about it. It’s a little scary, being in NYC.
  • James Lipton passing and my encounter with him / Inside the Actors Studio.
  • An experience I had with Mos Def, Dave Chappelle, James Lipton & Paul Mooney.
  • My time spent interning at Hardball with Chris Matthews.
  • The first time I met Dave Chappelle / signs from God / the universe.
  • My beginnings in NYC and how I got started here.
  • Nobody prepared us for all these emails.
  • The language companies use – 360 degrees, multi-tiered, engagement strategy, blah blah.
  • We need to spend more time outside, get back to nature.
  • You can’t keep up with everyone as you get older. Try reaching out to someone.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance
Instagram: @partywithlance

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By |2024-10-27T18:56:37-04:00March 8th, 2020|Episode, Home|0 Comments

Party With Lance (It Looks Easy If It’s Done Well) – Episode 15

Episode 15 is all the rage. That’s what they are saying at least. Who’s saying it? Me. Is it really all the rage? Sure! You say it, and so it is. I can’t believe I’ve done 15 episodes with zero guests. Unreal, but we made it! I don’t know, do you have to write a description here? For what? Who knows. Let’s try to not write that much. Here’s the stuff!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • The world is just all about the internet & promoting now.
  • Has the world always been this crazy? Or do we just know more now?
  • I saw F16’s flying over Manhattan. Could I be a jet fighter pilot?
  • You can’t know that much about that many things / nothing is as easy as it looks.
  • I was not given the music or artistic (painting / drawing) gifts.
  • Why I don’t put my phone next to my junk (the wiener & such) or my head.
  • It’s not always paying dues, some people are just mean.
  • You have to make every day count – doing the math on it.
  • I share a joke that is always funny, nearly all the time.
  • If you’re on social media and just post photos of yourself, you’re a psychopath.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-03-01T13:00:14-05:00March 1st, 2020|Episode|0 Comments

Party With Lance (The time I broke my leg) – Episode 11

Wow, are these some wild times going on in the government right now or what! It’s totally bonkers. After the vote today by the Senate to not include witnesses in the Impeachment trial, our country will never be the same. It’s quite scary actually. I feel like our political system as we have known it is over. It almost feels like our political system has been bending very poorly for a long time and today it officially broke. Wild times we’re living in. I guess we’ll just have to see how it all plays out here in the future. In the meantime, and perhaps as some break or distraction from all this stuff (and other wild things going on in the world), we got a new episode of the pod!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Wuhan, China is huge and list of the world’s biggest cities.
  • News overload: Kobe Bryant, Iran / Iraq, Impeachment trial, Brexit, Grammy’s,
  • Why breaking my leg was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
  • Older people have a lot of knowledge.
  • Coronavirus – what if it killed us all together?
  • Stop reading comments on Youtube, Instagram, social media.
  • You don’t have to do what the world / society tells you to do.
  • Tiny van life, living the life you want.
  • Phones & videos at the gym / taking photos of your food.
  • Randall’s BBQ in the Lower East Side / you can never get bored in NYC.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-02-01T13:42:13-05:00February 1st, 2020|Episode, Home|0 Comments
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