Party With Lance (The first time I met Dave Chappelle) – Episode 16

Lots of news going on this week that has some relevance to a few experiences I’ve had in the past. I talk about my encounter with James Lipton as well as my time interning at Hardball with Chris Matthews and what that was like. I also talk about the first time I met Dave Chappelle and how I ended up in NYC.

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Coronavirus – what I’m doing about it. It’s a little scary, being in NYC.
  • James Lipton passing and my encounter with him / Inside the Actors Studio.
  • An experience I had with Mos Def, Dave Chappelle, James Lipton & Paul Mooney.
  • My time spent interning at Hardball with Chris Matthews.
  • The first time I met Dave Chappelle / signs from God / the universe.
  • My beginnings in NYC and how I got started here.
  • Nobody prepared us for all these emails.
  • The language companies use – 360 degrees, multi-tiered, engagement strategy, blah blah.
  • We need to spend more time outside, get back to nature.
  • You can’t keep up with everyone as you get older. Try reaching out to someone.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance
Instagram: @partywithlance

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By |2024-10-27T18:56:37-04:00March 8th, 2020|Episode, Home|0 Comments

Party With Lance (Fifteen years of stand-up!) – Episode 14

Episode 14 is the first episode that hasn’t come out within a week timespan. I had a super productive & busy week and then also was just feeling tired so I fell a little behind. Anywho, here it goes!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Really struggling this week – just tired.
  • My ranking of the Democratic candidates during the debate.
  • 15 years of doing stand-up / My beginnings of doing stand-up comedy.
  • Trying things leads to learning which leads to progress.
  • We really don’t know that much about the brain.
  • Salutations in the North vs. the South and some other differences.
  • Some thoughts on NYC banning single use plastic bags beginning March 1st, 2020.
  • Why does music move our bodies?
  • Slipping on a banana peel / many uses of a banana. Watch out for puddles & holes.
  • Tips on curing a headache.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-02-23T14:00:37-05:00February 23rd, 2020|Episode, Home|0 Comments

Party With Lance (Nobody BBQs in winter) – Episode 12

This week’s podcast takes something of a lighter approach in tone. Nothing too serious going down here. Just wasn’t into that sort of thing this week. That’s what makes this a cool medium. You can put it out however you want. I get into some topics, but I took a little break from any topics that are super heavy. But it is fun! And that’s the main point to me anyway, that it’s something fun. That’s the whole goal. Who knows what next week brings!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • I attempt to give the NYC weather report via
  • NYC streets are gross: dead rats, weird liquids, used condoms, etc.
  • Items of efficiency: double knotting shoes vs velcro, zippers, buttons, toggles, sink faucets.
  • I am against pranks for the most part, but I do know a fun April Fool’s Day one I share.
  • The ego it takes to do a solo podcast / to create art / to be a politician.
  • Can you throw something the exact same way if you know it’s rotation?
  • Pet Peeve of the week: Don’t hit “Reply All” on mass emails.
  • Sugar is everywhere – you got to keep dark chocolate around. Cacao!
  • There’s so much detail in everything. Be sure to look around for it.
  • What is a building? What makes a building a building?

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-02-08T14:56:35-05:00February 8th, 2020|Episode|0 Comments

Party With Lance (The time I broke my leg) – Episode 11

Wow, are these some wild times going on in the government right now or what! It’s totally bonkers. After the vote today by the Senate to not include witnesses in the Impeachment trial, our country will never be the same. It’s quite scary actually. I feel like our political system as we have known it is over. It almost feels like our political system has been bending very poorly for a long time and today it officially broke. Wild times we’re living in. I guess we’ll just have to see how it all plays out here in the future. In the meantime, and perhaps as some break or distraction from all this stuff (and other wild things going on in the world), we got a new episode of the pod!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Wuhan, China is huge and list of the world’s biggest cities.
  • News overload: Kobe Bryant, Iran / Iraq, Impeachment trial, Brexit, Grammy’s,
  • Why breaking my leg was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
  • Older people have a lot of knowledge.
  • Coronavirus – what if it killed us all together?
  • Stop reading comments on Youtube, Instagram, social media.
  • You don’t have to do what the world / society tells you to do.
  • Tiny van life, living the life you want.
  • Phones & videos at the gym / taking photos of your food.
  • Randall’s BBQ in the Lower East Side / you can never get bored in NYC.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-02-01T13:42:13-05:00February 1st, 2020|Episode, Home|0 Comments

Party With Lance (Storms bring us together) – Episode 9

Sorry for the delay in the episode this week. I was having some audio technical difficulties this week, but I think I got them all hammered out. Also, had a little bit of a tough personal week which I touch on a little bit in this episode that also put me a bit behind on the schedule here. Seems like I can’t get an episode out on Wednesday to save my life, BUT, I have had one come out every week, so I’m going to be proud of myself for that. 2020, working on way less judgement of myself. Anywho, hope you enjoy this one. Thanks for listening!

In this episode, we cover these topics (and a few more):

  • Apocalyptic things / why storms bring us together.
  • Jobs I would have if I weren’t a comedian.
  • Being an extreme weatherman (hurricanes, tornadoes).
  • Politics isn’t about the people anymore.
  • World Surf League: talking about / explaining the surf world a bit.
  • Nobody is comfortable at social gatherings.
  • I appreciate the effort of anyone going out.
  • Nothing is as big a deal as we think.
  • How do you get out of a funk?
  • More good things are coming to us than we realize.

Episodes, live show dates, videos and more:
Twitter: @partywithlance 
Instagram: @partywithlance
Support the Party! = Patreon:

By |2020-01-18T16:29:28-05:00January 18th, 2020|Episode|0 Comments
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